Core Concepts

Since When-Exactly allows developers to interact with dates and times in a very unique way, it is worth while becoming familiar with some of the lower-level building blocks.


The Moment represents, a moment in time. This is analogous to Python's datetime.datetime class.


The resolution of a moment is limited to a second. If you need more resolution, then when-exactly is probably not the library you need.


The Delta is analogous to Python's `datetime.timedelta, with extra functionality for deltas of months and years.


An interval represents a time span. An interval has a start and a stop.

>>> interval = we.Interval(
...     start=we.Moment(2025, 2, 14, 12, 0, 0,),
...     stop=we.Moment(2025, 2, 14, 12, 30, 0),
... )
>>> str(interval)

This is the building block of all the custom intervals like Year, Month, etc.


Intervals represents a collection of Interval objects. It provides all of the standard functionality you would expect a container to have

>>> intervals = we.Intervals([
...    we.Day(2023, 1, 5),
...    we.Day(2023, 1, 7),
...    we.Week(2023, 10),
... ])
>>> intervals[0]
Day(2023, 1, 5)

>>> intervals[0:2]
Intervals([Day(2023, 1, 5), Day(2023, 1, 7)])

>>> we.Week(2023, 10) in intervals

>>> for interval in intervals:
...     print(interval)